The High Achievers Guide to Heathy Anger

Anger as a Powerful Leadership Tool

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We live in a world where success means managing everything. It’s about our businesses, careers, and families. But when it comes to managing anger, even the most successful people struggle.

I’ve worked with successful-looking people for years. They look successful on the outside. Money, cars, travel. But most struggle with anger on the inside.

And trust me, being stuck in your anger is helped with a promotion or more money in the bank.

In fact, anger doesn’t care about titles or paychecks.

What High Achievers Get Wrong About Anger

Like the successful business professionals I’ve worked with, you may believe some myths about anger. Perhaps someone told you to keep your feelings bottled up.

Maybe you’ve tried to bury it with work. Or, like many, you took anger management training. It just told you to “count to ten” and breathe.

But what if I told you that those conventional methods are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm?

It may look like it’s helping, but doesn’t address the real issue.



Marty Wolner | Healthy Anger Toolbox

I'm an Entrepreneur, Author, and TEDx Host. I help successful business professionals transform their anger quickly to boost their health and relationships.